Our very own Dr. Roger Moczygemba has been away for the weekend at a Direct Primary Care Summit in Chicago, Illinois through the American Academy of Family Physicians. This yearly summit provides continuing education for those practicing or seeking to move into Direct Primary Care. Dedicated to staying up-to-date and always staying on the cutting edge of innovation in this field, Dr. Moczygemba had already been searching for ways to connect with advisors that embrace the Direct Primary Care model. Enter David Contorno, founder and CEO of E Powered Benefits, a benefit consulting firm.

Dr. Moczygemba had the opportunity to speak with David Contorno whose agency specializes in working with employers who want the best quality care for their employees, but also is interested in facing the challenges that come with rising health insurance premiums. In many broker-to-employer relationships, delivering employee satisfaction and a great benefits package at a low cost are not the primary focus. However, Contorno has found a way to provide a different benefit experience for employers that is completely transparent.

A small county in South Carolina named Anderson has had over one thousand employees and dependents turn to comprehensive family medicine through a DPC insurance plan. The agency only gets paid by their clients and do not allow additional commissions or bonuses in contracts. Contorno’s business model, which reduces out-of-pocket costs for employees, has shown that lowering healthcare costs is most effective by improving health benefits, not by encouraging unaffordable higher premiums or distancing the patient to doctor relationship.

Dr. Moczygemba is inspired to see similar results in San Antonio, Texas.

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