Are you a Texas employer who cares about their workers’ health? Maybe you can’t afford group health insurance yet, or you can, but your workers can’t. High premiums, deductibles, and co-pays combined with bad accessibility to health care can prevent your employees from seeking health care early when disease and absenteeism can still be prevented.

The Direct Primary Care (DPC) model is a viable alternative that provides affordable and high-quality care to your workers at the fraction of the cost of traditional group health insurance. The money saved can be directed towards paying our medical membership for your employees.

A $79 monthly membership and a $0 fee per visit take care of up to 90% of your employees’ health care needs, including the treatment of work-related injuries. We can help you find complimentary insurance that fills the gaps of our membership which is essential insurance that covers catastrophic events.

Our Virtual Worker’s Comp Clinic makes it possible for your employees to see their dedicated doctor using the Internet. Hence, precious time can be saved and your employee’s availability maximized. The Virtual Worker’s Comp Clinic is accessible 24/7. Early care equals fewer ER visits and better management of diseases, including chronic ailments such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Additionally, the days of complicated and lengthy insurance claim processes are over.

Contact us today and find out how we can help you lower health care cost for your employees, all while increasing affordability, efficiency, and accessibility.

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