Healthcare is one of the biggest expenses for employers in the United States. According to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average annual cost of employer-sponsored health insurance for a family of four was $20,576 in 2019, with employers paying an average of 82% of the total premium.

This trend in rising costs will also have an important impact in 2023. According to a report made by Mercer, the health benefit plans per employee will rise 5.6% on average in 2023, which is significantly higher than the projected in 2022 of 4.4%, putting employers in a financially difficult situation.

At the same time, providing healthcare benefits is one of the best ways to ensure employee attraction and retention. With the continuously high cost of care, is becoming more difficult for small and medium-sized companies to stay competitive in the field. 

Without a doubt, healthcare is an issue that all employers must take into consideration when making decisions about their businesses.

Fortunately, many professionals in the healthcare system like insurance brokers and physicians, have noticed the many flaws in the traditional healthcare system and have created an alternative model that fights these obstacles, including high cost.

This model is known as Free Market and it combines different approaches to deliver what the industries in America are lacking: Affordable and Transparent access to care.

Implementing this new model can’t be difficult when you don’t have enough knowledge or the correct person to guide you through the process, so today we are going to share some tips to find affordable healthcare for employers.

Tips for Employers: How To Find The Perfect Healthcare Solution

1. Educate Yourself

As a business owner, manager, or human resources specialist, you can understand the importance of continuous education to optimize your process. The same comes to healthcare.

Whether is health care coverage information, health care laws, affordability standards, or federal government regulations, researching and understanding will help you decide the correct employer health plans. 

In the Free Market industry, there are many resources to educate yourself and your employees, and we also recommend talking to a trusted healthcare expert to select the best option for your company and reduce the cost of health insurance.


2. Define What You And Your Employees Need

After educating yourself, another step should be defining what you want to achieve with your employer-sponsored health insurance or health solution, and creating a plan around this.

If you want to save money, provide better healthcare benefits to your employees, dabble into a different model of healthcare, provide your employees the care they need, or any other specification, you should communicate this to your trusted healthcare provider and they will work with you to make it happen in your employer plan. 


3.  Partner With The Right Clinic Or Company

At Direct Med Clinic, we always like to remind patients that they are the center of healthcare and that they should receive the care they want and need.

The right clinic or company will answer all your concerns, and common questions, explain the health insurance marketplace or healthcare marketplace, advise you and guide you to create the perfect healthcare employer plan, and always have your best interest at heart.

The correct clinic will be more interested in your company and employees’ well-being than the money they can make with what they charge you. 

Use your best judgment, and remember that you can always contact other professionals for a second or third opinion.


Final Recommendation

Every individual and company has a different perspective and needs. Nonetheless, we recommend opting for a free market insurance company or clinic.

With the free market model, companies take off the middlemen and focus on the doctor and the patient, which allows the professionals to provide quality and less complicated healthcare while also reducing the cost.

Direct Med Clinic works under this structure and the Direct Primary Care (DPC) model. With this approach, we have been able to reduce the cost of our employer clients and provide direct, affordable, transparent, and accessible healthcare. 

If you want to know more about Direct Med Clinic, memberships, and direct contracting, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a free consultation with our Doctor Program Liasion David Dorrough:


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