Dr. Moczygemba and his staff appeared on 930 AM The Answer’s Talk About Texas on November 10th 2018. We highly recommend you listen in to learn how:
  • Longtime San Antonian David Dorrough has finally found a way to provide affordable, accessible health care for his entire family. The days where they only went to see the doctor in an emergency are over. David was one of the first members of the clinic, even though it took him a while to sign up because the medical membership sounded too good to be true. But there was no catch, and David will tell you all about his experience in this recording. (Jump to minute 17 to hear David’s testimonial)
  • Deborah and Priscilla’s story is another highlight if you want to understand how valuable our membership could be for you. As a small business owner, Deborah was able to offer health care to her employees through Direct Med Clinic. Moreover, Priscilla was able to get care for her exercise-induced asthma for only $10 a visit versus $2,200 she used to pay when visiting the emergency room. (Jump to minute 32 to hear their testimonials)
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